Sunday, October 26, 2008


Harmony comes in many forms, but for the Winn boys on Saturdays it is quite dependent on BYU football. If the team does well, we are set for 7 days of peace and true bragging-rights, but if not we must endure 7 days of analyzing what could have been and making sense of it all. The girls and I are so grateful that after Saturday's game against UNLV, we are set for a week of harmony (at least when it comes to football)!


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading about what the family is up to. Seeing Savannah's picture brings back some wonderful memories of school. I miss seeing her smile and the fun time to use the big Pink Pearl eraser. :) You can read about my wife and me at (some fairly old information) or by following the links you can read about each of our children. Lily, our 7-year old granddaughter (and her family) made an emergency trip from Rexburg to Primary Children's Hospital last week to check out three cracks and an indentation in her skull. Your can read about Lily by following the link on our page for Stephen and Jodi, then clicking on Lily's tab.

I'm glad BYU won the game last Saturday. I am excited to be able to go the part of the next home game in a couple of weeks.

heidigoseek said...

harmony is always a good thing:)
have you seen HSM3 yet? we're supposed to go today, but gracie has the pukes...ugh

hollyw said...

Hi Guys! I am glad you have a blog! I am right there with you on the harmony long as BYU wins, I can actually talk to John...if they lose, its a lost cause to communicate:)

Jamie said...

Hey Rachel! Welcome to the blogging world! Thanks for emailing me your link! So far you and I are the only ones. My guess is there aren't too many families in our ward with blogs, but maybe they'll catch on next decade :)